our products

Stall Packages
Standard Post
Standard Post Stalls include a 2.5″ square post at every stall. Available posts include on-concrete or in-concrete. The Standard Post Stall package includes the divider pipe, the Floating Neck Rail, the post, and the required hardware to mount the stall to the post.
Horizontal Rail Stalls
Horizontal Rail Stalls are mounted to a top and bottom horizontal rail that runs the length of the stall section. The stall package includes the divider pipe, the Floating Neck Rail, and the hardware to mount the stall to 2.5″ square rail. The rail is mounted to existing posts in the barn and the stalls have adjustable widths. Quote for rail and mounting hardware available upon request.
Single Rail Stalls involve a single rail assembly bracket being mounted to a single horizontal rail. The stall includes the divider pipe, the Floating Neck Rail, the assembly bracket, and the hardware required to mount the assembly bracket to 2.5″ square rail. The rail is mounted to existing posts in the barn and the stalls have adjustable widths. Quote for rail available upon request.
Wood Post
Wood Post Mount Stalls have a 6″ square post at every stall. The Wood Post Mount Stall package includes the divider pipe, the Floating Neck Rail, the mounting brackets and the required hardware to mount the pipe to the post. Post not included in the package.
Tie Stalls
Tie Mount Stalls have a standard 2.5″ square post at every stall. Available posts include on-concrete or in-concrete. The Tie Stall package includes the divider pipes, the Floating Neck Rail, the mounting brackets and the required hardware to mount the pipe and neck rail to the post.
Floating Neck Rail [Patented]
The Floating Neck Rail was developed with the purpose of allowing the neck bar to float as cows rise, offering zero trauma to the animal. This system can be easily adapted to all stall systems, and is available for steel stalls as well as being a standard component of all stall packages.
Feed4All® [Patented]
The Feed4All® system floats with the cow, allowing her to easily access the feed. The floating allows for more head movement for the cow, causing fewer injuries while still being flexible and rugged.
Upright Feed4All
The Upright Feed4All system is designed to allow a more “pasture like” grazing, which aids in digestion and milk production. Made from high-quality North American galvinized steel, making for a durable and reliable product that will last.
Torenna Free Stall pipe is perfect for use for penning due to its’ flexibility, which decreases injury to cows. The pipe is also lightweight and easy to maneuver, making installation and maintenance simple.